Explore more about: Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy



When it blasts off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Artemis I will carry two anthropomorphic mannequins strapped into its crew module. The mannequins are part of a project aided by a team of Duke University bioengineers with support from NIBIB.


A research team developed a microscope that combines rapid high- and low-power light-sheet microscopy with an open top design that allows for rapid imaging of a wide range of sample types


A team led by NIBIB scientists has developed hardware and software innovations to construct super-resolution, 3D confocal images of fine structures in living samples.


Johns Hopkins University engineers are the first to use a non-invasive optical probe to understand the complex changes in tumors after immunotherapy, a treatment that harnesses the immune system to fight cancer. Their method combines detailed mapping of the biochemical composition of tumors with machine learning. Source: JHU.


As mice watched movies, scientists watched their brains to see how vision could be represented reliably. The answer is that consistency in representation is governed by a circuit of inhibitory neurons. Source: The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT.


NIBIB-funded research drives progress in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of middle ear infections.


A team of researchers has developed a modified version of two-photon imaging that can scan deeper within tissue and perform the imaging much faster than previously possible.


Sometimes scientists discover exciting results after spending years searching for an answer to a single question. But sometimes discoveries are made by surprising collaborations and connections—resulting in answers to questions no one would have thought ask.


Bioengineers have combined standard microscopy, infrared light, and artificial intelligence to assemble digital biopsies that identify important molecular characteristics of cancer biopsy samples.


Medical researchers can now use label-free microscopic techniques to visualize extracellular vesicles, which are associated with cancer.