Office of Scientific Review



Director: Manana Sukhareva, Ph.D.

The Office of Scientific Review is responsible for managing the peer review of applications covering a broad range of activity codes including: Research Career Development Awards (K-awards), Institutional Research Training Programs (T32, T35), Support for Development and Implementation of Education Projects and Training (R25), Research Conference Support (R13), NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP), National Centers for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (P41), and other special initiatives (PARs, RFAs) that fall within the scientific mission of the NIBIB.

Inquiries should be sent to NIBIB Review

Scientific Review Officers

Debanjan Goswami, Ph.D.

John Hayes, Ph.D.

Yoon-Young Jang, MD , Ph.D.

Alexander Komendantov, Ph.D.

Tianhong Wang, M.D., Ph.D.

Extramural Support Staff

Lawane Terrell

Do you want to become an NIBIB reviewer? (PDF 163KB)
