Funded Projects for Bionics
Grant Number | Project Title | Principal Investigator | Institution |
5-R01-EB031911-04 | Augmenting Implanted Neuroprosthetics with Targeted Health Monitoring for Spinal Cord Injury - the LIFELINE | Kevin Kilgore | Case Western Reserve University |
5-K99-EB032427-02 | Development of bio-integrated devices to enhance transplant survival for subcutaneous encapsulated cell therapies | Siddharth Krishnan | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
5-R01-EB023261-04 | Enhancing Sensorimotor Integration Using a Neural Enabled Prosthetic Hand System | James Abbas | University of Arkansas at Fayetteville |
5-R01-EB034241-02 | Implantable Self-Powered Biofeedback Vagus Nerve Stimulator for Weight Control | Xudong Wang | University of Wisconsin-Madison |
5-U01-EB027601-05 | Sonomyographic Upper Limb Prosthetics: A New Paradigm | Siddhartha Sikdar | George Mason University |