Tuba Fehr
, Ph.D.

Program Director
Division of Discovery Science and Technology (Bioengineering)
Program Area: Cellular and Multicellular Technologies
This program supports the development and demonstration of broadly applicable cellular and multicellular technologies to enable new paradigms of human health.
The emphasis is on the development of cellular and multicellular technologies and associated computational models for biomedical intervention.
Projects might focus on:
- elucidating important engineering design rules or key foundational principles underlying future engineering, including the use of computational methods
- prototyping or redesigning platform technologies
- characterizing (in vitro, ex vivo, or in vivo) broadly applicable technologies and prototypes
NIBIB interests include but are not limited to:
- synthetic genetic circuits for cellular control and decision-making
- engineered bacteria for microbiome regulation
- engineered T-cells for immune regulation and cancer therapy
- organoids and scaffold-free tissue assemblies for replacing organ function