The following were instrumental in providing images, concepts, and edits to text for the bionic man. Note: these images are not in the public domain and cannot be used without permission from the researchers.
- Wireless Brain-Computer Interface: David Borton, Brown University (lab of John Donoghue, Brown University)
- Flexible Electrodes: Joseph Hippensteel, University of Wisconsin (from labs of Justin Williams, University of Wisconsin and Daniel Moran, Washington University in St. Louis)
- Microneedle Patch: Mark Prausnitz, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Blood Clot Emulator: Danny Bluestein, Stony Brook University
- Implantable Sensors: Richard Weir, University of Colorado Denver
- Interstitial Pressure Pump: Babek Ziaie, Purdue University
- Synthetic Tissues Adhesive: Russell Stewart, The University of Utah
- Opening the Blood Brain Barrier with Ultrasound: Kullervo Hynynen, University of Toronto
- Artificial Kidney: Shuvo Roy, University of California, San Francisco
- Cartilage Regeneration: Jennifer Elisseeff, Johns Hopkins University
- Glucose-Sensing Contacts: Sanford A. Asher , University of Pittsburgh
- Tongue Drive: Maysam Ghovanloo, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Robotic Leg Prosthesis: Michael Goldfarb, Vanderbilt University
- Spinal Stimulation for Paralysis: V. Reggie Edgerton, University of California, Los Angeles