Funded Projects for Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy


Grant Number Project Title Principal Investigator Institution
1-R21-EB035389-01 Metasurface based chromatic confocal endoscope Zhiwen Liu Pennsylvania State University, The
5-R21-EB034411-02 Metasurface enhanced and machine learning aided spectrochemical liquid biopsy Filiz Yesilkoy University of Wisconsin-Madison
1-R21-EB035681-01 Metasurface-Integrated Open-Top Lattice Light Sheet Microscope for High-Throughput Bioimaging Tian-Ming Fu Princeton University
1-R21-EB035823-01 Mitigating errors in pulse oximeter-derived estimates of oxygenation and perfusion caused by skin pigmentation with a shortwave infrared pulse oximeter Christine O'Brien Washington University
1-R01-EB034919-01 Naturalistic Brain Mapping in Children with Diffuse Optical Tomography Joseph Culver Washington University
1-R01-EB035890-01 Next generation biomolecule-retention expansion microscopy for diverse imaging applications Yongxin Zhao Carnegie-Mellon University
1-R01-EB035538-01 Omni Oblique Plane Microscope to spread light-sheet based imaging in biomedical research Reto Fiolka Ut Southwestern Medical Center
5-R01-EB029428-04 Optical Mapping of Electromechanics of the Stomach Jack Rogers University of Alabama at Birmingham
5-R01-EB029921-04 Optical property measurement in human abscess cavities for photodynamic therapy treatment planning Timothy Baran University of Rochester
5-R01-EB032821-03 Optimizing singlet oxygen dosimetry for photodynamic therapy (PDT) Timothy Zhu University of Pennsylvania